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Book one of our international English-speaking scientists!

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© Freepik

Scientists from all over the world conduct research at Austrian institutions. Their topics range from renewable energies and drug addiction to ticks and virology. They are available for individual school visits to give pupils insights into their research and to engage in dialogue. What's special: The school visit takes place IN ENGLISH - an ideal opportunity for young people to practice the language and learn more about the field of science.

Science ambassadors

The following science ambassadors are available for an individual school visit in English. The visit is prepared in advance by the class with a list of questions so that the researchers can respond to the specific interests of the pupils.

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© Zahra Babaiee

Zahra Babaiee, MSc

Technische Universität Wien

Visits in person in Vienna as well as online for all schools

#Receptive fields inspired by human eye for artificial intelligence #Cyber-Physical Systems

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© Tobias Haller

Univ.-Prof. Esther Blanco

University of Innsbruck

Visits in person in Tyrol as well as online for all schools

#Environmental Economics #Experimental Economics #Behavioral Economics #Public Economics

Profilfoto Wissenschaftsbotschafter/in
© Golden Hour Pictures

David Corcoran, MSc

University of Applied Sciences Burgenland

Visits in person in Vienna and Burgenland, as well as online for all schools

#Business Communication #Development of Soft Skills #Emotional Intelligence

Rana El Rawas
© Swarowski

Dr. Rana El Rawas

Medical University of Innsbruck

Visits in person in Tyrol as well as online for all schools

#Drug addiction #Animal models behavior #Drugs- related Brain mechanisms

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© Uni Graz/Leljak

Assoz. Prof. Anouschka Foltz

University of Graz

Visits in person in Styria, as well as online for all schools

#First and second language acquisition #Multilingualism #Language and the brain #Language and discrimination

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© Laura Kovacs

Univ.-Prof. Laura Kovacs

Vienna University of Technology

Visits in person in Vienna as well as online for all schools

#Mathematics #Theoretical computer science

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© Verena Ahne

Dr. Edward Lee

Complexity Science Hub Vienna

Visits in person in Vienna as well as online for all schools

#Physics of collective groups in biological and social systems

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© Ahmad Salti

Dr. Ahmad Salti

Johannes Kepler University Linz

Visit in person in Upper Austria and Tyrol, as well as online for all schools

#Restoring vision in blindness #retinal implant #retinal dystrophies

Tim Skern
© Max F. Perutz Laboratories

Prof. Tim Skern

Medical University of Vienna

Visit in person in Vienna, Lower Austria, Burgenland

#Virology #SARS-CoV-2

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© OeAD

Prof. Daniela Weiskopf

La Jolla Institute for Immunology, USA

Visits in person in Tyrol, as well as online for all schools

#Immunology#Viral infections #T-cells

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© Tick Research Group- Gerold Stanek

Michiel Wijnveld, PhD

Medical University of Vienna

Visits in person in Vienna

#Molecular biology #Microbiology tools #Ticks and tick-borne pathogens

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© Joel Wong

Joel Wong, BSc (Hons)

Medical University of Vienna

Visits in person in Vienna, as well as online for all schools

#Immunometabolism #Circadian biology

Themed workshops

In addition, several themed workshops are offered in English. Here, the topic is fixed and the list of questions is not required.

  • Cooperation for Climate Action

    Climate action is a social dilemma, whereby there are so-called “free-riding” incentives, tempting people to benefit from the effort of others while not contributing (much) themselves. But how can we work together to put the world on a more sustainable and resilient path? This question is the focus of the workshop with Univ.-Prof. Esther Blanco (University of Innsbruck).
    Target group: AHS (SEK I and SEK II)
    Duration: 12 lessons
    Location: in person in Tyrol 
    Online for all schools


  • Developing your essential soft skills. Your future self will thank you. 

    This workshop led by David Corcoran , MSc focuses on the key essential soft skills to develop in the 21st century, as we venture more into AI territory. Communication, Emotional Intelligence and Adaptability are the keys to future success, especially for Generation Z and Alpha, who need these skills to cope in an ever-changing world. 
    Target group: Secondary schools
    Duration: 1-3 units
    Location: in person in Burgenland and Vienna
    Online for all schools


  • Multilingualism

    In this workshop by Assoc. Prof. Anouschka Foltz, pupils learn what multilingualism is, who is multilingual, where multilingualism exists and what multilingualism does to us. Pupils have the opportunity to reflect on their own multilingualism (and from secondary school onwards, all pupils are in principle more or less multilingual). We also discuss how multilingualism is viewed in our society.
    Target group: all type of schools
    Duration: 2 units (longer if desired)
    Location: in person in Styria
    Online for all schools


  • What is language?

    In this workshop, pupils learn what language is and what we use language for. Together with Assoc. Prof. Anouschka Foltz, they work out the building blocks of language (sounds, syllables, words, sentences, meaning, etc.) in a playful way and from a linguistic perspective. They find out where and how we encounter and use language in everyday life.
    Target group: Primary school
    Duration: 1-2 lessons (longer if desired)
    Location: in person in Styria


  • Change Our Energy System Together

    What energy technology challenges and solutions are there for tackling climate change? This is the subject of the interactive online workshop “Change Our Energy System Together” with Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thomas Kienberger (Montan University Leoben), which builds on the content of the interdisciplinary study program “Industrial Energy Technology”.
    Target group: recommended from SEK II
    Duration: 1-2 lessons
    Location: Online for all schools

    Registration at the University of Leoben
    Clicking on the registration link will open an e-mail that will be forwarded directly to the University of Leoben. Please provide the following information when registering:

    • Name, e-mail and telephone number
    • School and class (participation recommended from grade 9)
    • Number of pupils
    • Title of the workshop(s)
    • One or more suggested dates
    • special requests (duration, etc.)

Procedure and registration

  • Please let us know your request using the form: 
    1. Registration for an individual visit
    2. Registration for a themed workshop
  • We will put you in touch with the researchers, inform you if they accept and then help with further organisation if required.
  • You make all further arrangements individually with the researcher and prepare the school class for the visit
  • After the visit, we look forward to receiving a short report on the visit at .

The researchers mentioned above are just a selection of the more than 490 people who visit schools as science ambassadors and also offer more than 210 different workshops.

Further information on the Science Ambassadors initiative (in German)
Overview of the profiles of all science ambassadors

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