David Corcoran , MSc

- 2-5 Besuche pro Semester
- Bevorzugte Regionen: Wien, Burgenland
- Besucht gerne folgende Schulstufen: SEK I und SEK II
- Besuche nur auf Englisch möglich!
- Anfallende Kosten für die Schule: Ersatz der Fahrtkosten
- My research and academic teaching area is in Business Communication and the development of Soft Skills. Specifically the skills of Communication (verbal and non-verbal, presentation skills), as well as in Emotional Intelligence. I also teach on the area of Team Management and Intercultural Competence.
Thematischer Workshop
Developing your essential soft skills. Your future self will thank you. This workshop focuses on the key essential soft skills to develop in the 21st century, as we venture more into AI territory. Communication, Emotional Intelligence and Adaptability are the keys to future success, especially for Generation Z and Alpha, who need these skills to cope in an ever-changing world.
Zielgruppe: SEK I und SEK II, mit entsprechenden Englischkenntnissen
Dauer: 1-3 UE
Ort: in der Schule oder online
Auszug aus dem wissenschaftlichen Werdegang
Following my Bachelor and Graduate year studies in Psychology in Australia in the late 1990’s, I shifted my focus and became a professional Opera Singer for 10 years, not quite completing my Opera degree, but I did manage to work at the Sydney Opera House for 8 years. After moving to Europe in 2015, I completed a master’s in human resource management and moved into academia lecturing in body language and English presentation skills, which has led to a permanent position at Hochschule Burgenland in International Business Communication. While I do not have a classic Academic career path, I have synthesized all my experiences and bring value from many different fields to the academic world. My future research will focus on Soft Skills and their development in this age of AI. Where and how they can be enhanced for students during university level study and beyond.