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Agricultural education, research and adoption in Kenya
ICT and e-learning play a major role in the development and economic growth of African countries in the future the agricultural sector being the backbone. On the other hand rural poverty is still a burning issue of many poor and underprivileged rural farmers, especially of young female farmers.
Education and lifelong learning, through means of ICT in respective areas will be key in reaching the countries development goals and reducing rural poverty and food and nutrition insecurity. ICT plays a vital role in dissemination of knowledge and exchange of information, which in turn can be used to develop demand-driven research and technologies and increase technology adotion.
Research project: SCARA -Strengthening capacities for agricultural education, research and adoption in Kenya
Die Website des Projekts: scara.boku.ac.at
- Options for use of new media and ICT for knowledge exchange and learning
- Partnerships with key stakeholders to contribute to information exchange and improve access
- Innovations in agricultural technologies and the agricultural value chain
- An ICT Agripreneurship Guide, CTA Handbook
- The DrumNet Project: Lessons learned from an ICT Initiative in Kenyas Agricultural Sector, Tom Rausch
- Puting heads togethe, Agricultural Innovation Platforms in practice, Suzanne Nederlof, Richard Hawkins