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Science Ambassadors – Information for researchers

Wissenschaftsbotschafterin Böck im Workshop mit Kindern
© Michael Obex-Erben

Science ambassadors visit schools on a voluntary basis where they will talk about their field of research and professional careers. This gives pupils the opportunity to ask researchers questions directly and gain an insight into their day-to-day work. The talks make it possible to break down preconceptions about the research profession and highlight career paths in science. If you would also like to become a science ambassador, you can register on our website.

Who we are looking for

  • You work as a scientist at a university, a non-university research institution or are associated with a scientific institution.
  • You have a doctorate degree or are pursuing a doctorate degree.
  • You are actively conducting research or are at least involved in research projects as a research assistant.
  • You would like to take up the challenge of talking to children and young people about your research.

Good reasons to participate

  • You will gain experience in communicating scientific processes and findings in an understandable way and thus making them more accessible.
  • You will convey how science works and thus actively contribute to strengthening trust in science.
  • You will be encouraged by children and young people to look at your research from a different perspective and thus gain new ideas for your work.
  • You will have the opportunity to pass on your enthusiasm for your subject and arouse interest in it. You will open up new study and career prospects for children and young people from different social backgrounds.
  • With your commitment you will make an important contribution to breaking down barriers between science and society.
  • During your visits you will make contacts with schools and teachers that you can use for future projects.
  • We will support you in the preparation and organisation of your visit.

Possible formats

In addition to individual visits you can also offer topic-based workshops.

  • Individual visits are prepared by the school class with a list of questions so that you can specifically address the interests of the class, ideally in consultation with the teachers.
  • In topic-based workshops you will use your own specific research projects and topics and tell the class about them. Ideally, these workshops should also include interactive elements.

You can offer both the visits and workshops online or in person. Schools in rural areas, where travel is often inconvenient, particularly benefit from the online offer.

Procedure and registration

  • Please register via our online registration form: LINK
  • We will then create your profile on the OeAD’s Young Science website with information about you and your research interests. Don’t worry, your contact details will NOT be published.
  • Interested teachers will send their requests directly to us and only after your approval will we forward your contact to the teacher, with whom you will then make all further arrangements individually. We will be happy to support you with the further organisation if required.
  • After your visit we look forward to receiving a short report on your experience at .

Guide "Talking science - talking about research with children and young people"

Together with the ScienceCenter Network association, support measures were offered to science ambassadors in 2023 in the form of training, individual coaching and networking meetings to train them in the use of language, presentation and storytelling and to get to know the school setting better.  In addition, guidelines for both teachers as well as researchers were created to prepare for the school visit.

The guide for researchers contains recommendations on topics such as

  • Structural preparations: clarifying framework conditions, motivation, defining goals, considering entry points, building relationships
  • Target group-oriented preparation of your research: considering the pupils' perspective, arousing enthusiasm, avoiding stumbling blocks
  • Preparation for the school visit: reflection questions with fill-in fields
  • Checklist for your school visit

Online training measures via Zoom were offered to accompany this guide. The recording is available on YouTube: LINK (only available in German)

Here you will find the materials to prepare for your visit and further information: LINK (only available in German)

On the OeAD's Centre for Citizen Science website you will find helpful tips and resources to help you get started in science communication: LINK (only available in German)

Any questions?

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:  or +43 1 53408-438

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